I was trying to download a file via bittorrent when the tracker just died on me. So I asked the people maintaining the tracker what to do and they told me to use the trackerless system (aka DHT). But on Linux I have two choices for DHT. Either the official client that will only use DHT if the torrent specifies it or Azureus, and I didn’t want to install that huge Java mess..
So here comes detrackertorrent, a small python application that just removes the tracker from a torrent and puts the information for trackerless torrent instead. It insists on having a primary node given to it, you can use “router.bittorrent.com:6881” if you have nothing else. I was too lazy to use the saved routing table. Oh and you need to have BitTorrent installed (the official client) and I only tested it with BT 4.2.2 on Gentoo Linux.
25 January 2006 à 6:43 pm
J’utilise Azureus, et c’est vraiment bien 😉